Advertising in motion: Reach meets relevance

Bikes and scooters get messages rolling – with measurable success. Studies prove it: This is where quantity and quality meet.
Calculate gross contact opportunities

Your result
Gross contact opportunities for the desired period/city:
Data basis nextbike
Submission of all rental processes of all bikes in the regions per day by nextbike to Senozon.
– Geocoded location and time of bike rental
– Geocoded location and time of bike return
This is used to determine the location and time window of the rental period for each bike.
Number of people (recorded, weighted mobile devices) recorded in the vicinity of the parked/returned bike in a 60-second interval.
Senozon determines frequency values for customers in the retail, real estate and transport sectors using mobile phone data from Telefónica (including O2).
In 28 cities
Time period
24/7 time window
16.02.–29.02.2020 – winter before Corona
25.07.–07.08.2021 – summer
Number of people (weighted mobile devices) recorded within a maximum radius of 25 meters around parked bikes at 60-second intervals.
Our survey shows higher gross contact opportunities in winter than in summer. This is due to the fact that fewer rentals are generated in winter and the bikes therefore have longer standing times.
We therefore use a cumulative average value for both periods in our offers and price lists.
Across all locations analyzed, the average value is 1,877 contact opportunities per bike per day.
This value is used for both scooters and e-bikes, as well as all locations that were not included in the survey at the time.
Our bikes generate far more contacts on the road than the survey can document. This is because bikes that are rented and move through the cities were not included in the measurement during this rental period.
Interpretation and application of our performance values
What influences the gross contact opportunities?
- Locations of parked bikes: central squares vs. city outskirts
- Rental behavior: higher chances of contact with bikes that are rented less often (differences summer/winter)
- Number of bikes: the more bikes, the more opportunities for contact
- Number of people moving in the service area
What is the best way to apply the performance values?
- Our performance values are gross contact opportunities, as we can assume a contact opportunity with the advertising material based on the passage situation.
- We recommend either using the daily value or extrapolating the total gross contact opportunities to the number of planned bikes and the duration.
- In addition to the gross contact opportunities, we also determined the net contact opportunities and could reach an average OTS of 1.6–2, which is in line with a target group-optimized OOH campaign.
- The CPM as a key figure and comparative value is rather unsuitable and ranks further below the usual values, regardless of whether it is considered gross or net.
- Our occupancy recommendations are also not based on the CPM or optimized for it, but are based on the fleet strength at the location and the duration in order to achieve the campaign objective in the best possible way.
We therefore recommend documenting the campaign performance with the gross contact opportunities and, if necessary, additionally with the OTS.